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What is Reclaiming Revelation?
"Rapture" theology (otherwise known as premillennial dispensationalism) is one of the most prominent understandings in America today regarding the end-times. At its core, the idea of the "rapture" and the rest of dispensationalist theology relies on escapism, where faithful Christians will be "raptured" or taken from the earth prior to a seven year time of tribulation that will come upon the whole world. 

Due to its obscure imagery and unfamiliar style of writing, many churches and denominations have shied away from attempting to interpret the message of Revelation and allowed this understanding to capture and dominate the modern American imagination. It tries to create a roadmap of events that we can predict and observe that will usher in Christ's return. 

However, upon closer examination and Biblical study, such an interpretation lacks solid Christian basis, and is in fact a violent betrayal of core of Christian beliefs, promoting an ideology that celebrates death and destruction of both our neighbors and the earth itself while teaching the Christian desire is to flee the earth and any suffering that comes along with faithful witness. 

Through a six-session video series and accompanying in-depth study guide, Reclaiming Revelation seeks to challenge this understanding and reclaim Revelation's prophetic voice of warning and promise—a visionary work of faith that calls the people of the earth to repentance, and offers a vision of what community that is in relationship with God looks like. Rooted heavily in the promises of the Old Testament brought to fruition by Christ, Revelation takes us on a journey that helps both expose the pitfalls and dangers of compromising with the forces of Empire, while simultaneously offering us hope that God intends to dwell with his people and "wipe every tear." 

Watch a free episode

Lesson 1: Leaving the Rapture Behind


Download a free lesson from the Study Guide

Lesson 1: Leaving the Rapture Behind

Why Does it Matter?

Many shrug off worrying about the "end times" or how we understand Revelation's evocative message as inconsequential to our daily faith lives. What happens will happen and does arguing over its meaning really accomplish anything?

On a lot of theological issues, Christians can agree to disagree. The problem with not taking a stand on what our understanding is of this enigmatic book is that if we choose to say and do nothing while dispensationalists dominate the popular understanding, we are by default condoning certain international policies and activities that upon further examination one may discover are not consistent with Christian ideals. It becomes important when we realize that lives are at stake, particularly in the Middle East, regarding how we perceive and understand much of what this book has to say—or doesn't say.


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